16PF® Certification
Identify, select and develop the best people for your organisation.
The 16 Personality Factors (16PF®) questionnaire is a robust, reliable measure of personality traits that is used to select, develop and motivate the people who make organisations thrive. The 16PF® instrument provides an unrivaled breadth of insight, helping you to understand objectively who people are by getting a view of their whole personality, not just the behaviour they exhibit in professional contexts. This reduces the risk in decisions about key roles and promotions, at all levels, providing a perspective that is difficult to obtain from interview alone.
Why become certified in the 16PF® instrument?
The 16PF® certification program will enable you to:
- Improve business results by selecting and developing the people who make your organisation thrive
- Be certain of making the right selection and development decisions with this thoroughly validated assessment
- Carry out more probing and insightful interviews with structured prompts
- See the whole picture with a tool that measures personality in both professional and personal life
- Reduce the risk in decisions about key roles and major development investments with great breadth of insight
Who should attend 16PF® certification?
- HR professionals
- Organisational development professionals
- Recruitment professionals
- Management consultants
- Executive coaches
What will you learn?
- Learn how to administer, interpret and give feedback using 16PF® reports
- Gain an in-depth understanding of the 16PF® instrument, both practically and theoretically
- Learn how to use the 16PF® instrument in a range of contexts, from recruitment and selection to employee development
- Understand more about yourself through the 16PF® interpretation of your own profile
Public 16PF® Certification 2 Day Programs are available virtually.
Want us to come to you? Contact us to discuss a virtual or in-person Certification Program exclusive to your organisation.
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